Setup ODBC Connection to NuLook



These instructions describe how to setup an ODBC connection to connect to the Enterprise Data Warehouse, previously known as Nulook for reporting from applications such as Excel and Access.

Before You Begin

Prior to setting up your connection you will need to request access to the server.


List the steps and include screen shots when necessary:

  1. To start you need to open the ODBC Administrator. There are several ways to do this including using the start menu and control panel.
  2. To use the Start Menu press the Windows key on your keyboard if present or click the Start Menu button and start typing “ODBC Data Sources”. Almost immediately results should start coming up. You will want to select “ODBC Data Sources (64 bit)

  1. Alternatively, To open Windows Tools using the Run dialog:
    1. Press Win + R to open the Run box.
    2. Next, type control admintools and click OK. This will open the Windows Tools folder on your PC.

  1. Once you have the ODBC Data Source Administrator open, make sure you are on the first tab which is the User DSN tab. If nulook is present, click on nulook then “Configure…” Skip the next step. Otherwise click on “Add…” to create the connection.

  2. Select the driver "SQL Server" and click Finish

  3. Now enter the name and server. The name should be “nulook” and the server “”. Click Next

  4. Make sure “With Windows NT authentication using the network login ID” is selected. 

    Note: This step is different from what was required in the past. You no longer need your login and password. Instead, the driver will connect with the domain account that you log into your computer with. Click on “Client Configuration”

    Verify that the network library has “TCP/IP” selected. Click OK and Next.

  5. On the next screen check “Change the default database to” and make sure nulook is selected in the drop down. Click Next.

    Make sure “Use strong encryption for data” is checked. Finally, click on Finish.

  6. The last step is to click on “Test Data Source…” to verify everything is working correctly.

  7. If the test was successful you should see a result of "TESTS COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY!"



Article ID: 353
Fri 8/2/24 4:33 PM
Fri 9/13/24 9:32 AM