ResNet Frequently Asked Questions


ResNet Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is ResNet?

A:  ResNet is a dedicated help line and computer network for students living in UNL Residence Halls, designed to assist with network connections. It operates separately from the 'Admin' network used elsewhere on campus. You can reach us through our website, our office in room 31 Love Library South, or by calling 402-472-3535.

If you encounter connection issues when our office is closed, calls will be forwarded to the regular Huskertech Help Center. Whether you call or visit our office, our full-time ResNet Manager, Scott Earley, is here to help you with any connectivity problems.

Q:  What is an IoT Device?

A:  Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as game consoles, TVs, Printers and other "smart" connected devices that must be registered for network access at the University of Nebraska by students, faculty, and staff. Register an IoT Device.

Q:  I am attempting to connect my gaming console to the internet, but I don't have an Ethernet cable. Is there an alternative method to establish a network connection?

A:  Connect your game consoles to the wireless network'nu-iot, but first, remember to register the wireless MAC address at the IoT Registration portal.

For online gaming, we don't recommend using the wireless network. Many students have reported lag time and dropped connections, especially when the halls are crowded after move-in in August. Instead, consider using an Ethernet cable for a more reliable connection. If you notice that you are not receiving a connection from your ethernet port, please submit a support request! You can find free Ethernet cables (7', 15', and 25' lengths) at the front desk of your residence hall.

Q:  What is a MAC address?

A:  A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to every network capable computer, mobile device, and IoT device. A MAC address consists of twelve hexadecimal characters in six groupings of two characters separated by a hyphen or colon. i.e a1:5c:e3:d2:34:d6. Computers, phones and mobile devices may have more than one network adapter, one for wired and wireless network access.

Q: How do I find my device MAC address? 

A:  Click HERE for a list of popular devices and how to find their MAC address.

Q:  How often do I have to register my IoT device?

A:  IoT registration lasts for one year before needing to be renewed. You can manage and edit your registered devices whenever necessary in the IoT Registration portal.

Q:  Where can I get help if I need it?

A;  Call the ResNet Help Line 

  • (402) 472-3535  8:00 AM - 7:00 PM

In Person at HuskerTech Help Desks at the following locations on

City Campus:

  • Adele Learning Commons (LLN) 8am - 8pm
  • City Union 8am - 8pm
  • Henzlik Hall 10am - 6pm

HuskerTech Help Center: Love Library South, Room 31

  • Monday - Friday
  • 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM

East Campus:

  • Dinsdale Commons 10am - 6pm

HuskerTech Help Center Filley Hall, Room 22

  • Monday - Friday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM



Article ID: 268
Fri 4/26/24 10:39 AM
Thu 8/22/24 9:01 AM

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