Installing the Windows App for Accessing EMS


Instructions on installing the Windows App for accessing the EMS client for campus schedulers on both a PC and Mac machine.



If you are a scheduler that needs to use the EMS full client, you will need to install the Windows App to do so.


University and State College faculty, staff and students that are designated as schedulers for their areas/campus.

Before You Begin

Contact your campus security coordinator to be given access to EMS:

  • UNK - Betsy Warren
  • UNL - Carrie Jackson
  • UNMC - Andrea Swett
  • UNO - Jeff Drietz
  • CSC - Kari Gaswick
  • WSC - Amanda Rusch


This document contains the following sections:

Installing the Windows App (Windows)

 A video of the process for installing the Windows app and accessing EMS can be found here.

1. Go to:

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OR type "Windows app" in your Windows search and click "Get app in Microsoft Store" from the results.

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2. Click Download or Get.

3. If you're using your browser, an .exe file will be downloaded. Once it is finished downloading, click it to begin installation.

4. If you're using the Microsoft Store app on your desktop machine, the program will be installed automatically, and then you can Open it.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

5. Click Sign in. ​​​​​​

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6. Your user name for the Windows App is If it is listed (, choose it. If it is not listed (like above), click Use another account.

  • Enter
  • Click Next.
  • Enter your TrueYou password.
  • Complete two-factor authentication if prompted.

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7. Once logged in, if you see the screen above, click the Apps tile on the left.

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8. The EMS server(s) that you have access to will be listed. Click on the one you wish to access.

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​​​​​​9. The app will begin to start up.

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10. Enter your TrueYou password again.

11. The first time you log on, it may take several minutes to get everything set up.

12. The program will finish connecting.

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​​​​​​13. Log into EMS with your EMS User ID/Password. If you cannot remember your ID/Password, contact your campus Security Coordinator.

Installing the Windows App (Mac)

1. If you have a machine that is managed by NU ITS, you can install the Windows app from the Self Service application on your machine. If not, go to  ​​​​​​​. 

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2. Click Install.

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3. After it has completed installing, click Open.

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4. Click the + sign in the upper right corner and choose Add Work or School Account.

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5. Enter Click Continue.

6. Enter your TrueYou password.

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7. Complete two-factor authentication if prompted.

8​​​. Once logged in,​ the EMS server(s) that you have access to will be listed. Click on the one you wish to access.

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​9. Enter your TrueYou password again.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)10. The first time you log on, it may take several minutes to get everything set up.

11. The program will finish connecting.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​12. Log into EMS with your EMS User ID/Password. If you cannot remember your ID/Password, contact your campus Security Coordinator.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)



Article ID: 454
Thu 12/12/24 10:30 AM
Wed 1/8/25 5:46 PM

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