International Travel Guidance and Best Practices - General

Below is the NU ITS general guidance and best practices for IT Security for international travel. Everything may not be applicable for your situation, but ITS feels this is good general advice and things to consider to secure IT resources and data while you travel internationally. 

Important: Before leaving, you should ensure Cortex XDR and NU VPN are installed on your travel laptop/device.  This is typically part of the pre-installed software on university-owned laptops, so it should already be present.  If it is missing or you are not sure, email to help you get that figured out.  

While traveling, please follow these best practices:  

  • Assume all public computers are insecure and do not use them. 
  • Always keep your travel device in your possession or in a secure location. 
  • Notify your IT Support Team and ITS Security Services immediately if your device is lost or stolen. 
  • Always use the NU VPN on your  travel device when connected to a network if permitted by local laws (NU VPN should work as expected in the travel locations you referenced). 
  • If local laws, like in China, do not permit encryption technologies, uninstall the NU VPN client before traveling. 
  • Disable WiFi and Bluetooth when not in use. 
  • Power off the travel device when not in use. 
  • Do not use untrusted devices such as public USB charging stations - only use your own chargers. 

Additionally we recommend reviewing and following the travel guidance from our Multi-Factor partner DUO. 

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Article ID: 250
Wed 4/17/24 9:05 AM
Fri 4/19/24 9:28 AM