Embedding Licensed Fonts in PowerPoint


This article should be used to embed licensed fonts in PowerPoints


This should be used by users who have access to a licensed font and need to present a presentation somewhere that may or may not have that licensed font installed

Before You Begin

These steps require that one has access to the appropriate Licensed Font to embed it into a PowerPoint

PowerPoint on MAC

  1. Open the file you want to embed fonts in
  2. On the top bar select PowerPoint
  3. Select Preferences from that menu
  4. In the dialog box, under Output and Sharing, select Save.
  5. Under Font Embedding, select Embed fonts in the file
    Font embedding Dialog Box
    In the Dialog Box avoid using Embed only the characters used in the presentation. It is better to embed all the characters in a font so that another user can successfully edit the file, if necessary.
  6. When you save the file, the fonts used in it will be embedded in the file.

PowerPoint on Windows

  1. Click the File tab and then click Options (it's near the bottom left corner of the window).
  2. In the left column, select the Save tab.
  3. At the bottom, under Preserve fidelity when sharing this presentation, select the Embed fonts in the file check box.
    Font Embedding Dialog Box
    In the Dialog Box avoid using Embed only the characters used in the presentation. It is better to embed all the characters in a font so that another user can successfully edit the file, if necessary.
  4. Click OK.