Create an Accessible PDF


Accessible Text

What is it?

Accessible text is anything (PDF, document, or Canvas page) that is accessible for all individuals, especially those that use assistive technology. Accessible text includes the following:

  • Appropriate Headings
  • Alternative Text
  • Correct Reading Order
  • Tagged
  • High Color Contrast
  • Descriptive Links for URLs and documents
  • Ability to be copied and pasted/read by a screen reader 

Why do it?

When PDFs and other documents are not accessible, it can lead to problems for students who use assistive technology. The video below by PopeTech shows great reasoning as to why having accessible PDFs is so important, and what the experience is like for students who use assistive technology when the PDF is not accessible.


  • Faculty
  • Staff

Before You Begin

Install Adobe Acrobat


Document and Website Resources