Description of Error
When attempting to log into Poppulo Harmony SIgnage Cloud, you may encounter an error message that says Login Failed 400: Bad Request Error Code: GENERAL_NONSUCCESS after entering your campus or TrueYou credentials on the SSO redirection window.
You do not have a user account on the Poppulo Harmony Signage Cloud platform. You or your department will need to request a new user account for you by submitting the Digital Signage Service Request form and selecting the Digital sign user add/remove/replace > Add user options.
To ensure the University is purchasing only the number of user licenses actually needed, user accounts on the Poppulo Harmony Signage Cloud platform are limited to active users only. Users who do not log into the platform for more than a year are removed so there are enough licenses available for active users.
For Additional Help
If you have followed all of the steps in this article and you are still unable to access Poppulo Harmony Signage Cloud, please submit the Digital Signage Service Request form for additional assistance.