PCI Compliance

Zoom logoThe ITS Security Program Management Team provides guidance and services for University Merchants to meet their PCI compliance obligations. We provide several offerings for this service including attestations of scan compliance, external PCI scans, help with PCI SAQ completion, guidance/recommendations for POS and Credit Card device procurement, 3rd party compliance and document reviews, and basic PCI training.  Use the service offerings below for scans and scan attestations, all other services use the PCI - General Help Request service offering.

PCI Service Offerings


For the most efficient support experience, please submit a ticket using the request form on this page. Alternatively, contact your campus Help Center location via email, by phone, or in person.

Request Attestation Request External Scan Request PCI Assistance


Service ID: 157
Tue 9/24/24 2:33 PM
Thu 9/26/24 4:19 PM

Service Offerings (3)

PCI - Attestation of Scan Compliance Request
E-commerce (SAQ-A) merchants accepting credit and debit cards are required to submit a PCI Attestation of Scan Compliance in the PCI Compliance Manager portal each quarter as evidence their e-commerce sites are meeting the PCI external scan requirements.  This form will start that attestation reques
PCI - External Scan Request
University merchants accepting credit and debit cards may be required to conduct quarterly external scans of their web site or customer/card holder data environment.  This service offering form will start the process of getting the needed PCI scans setup.
PCI - General Help
Use this service offering for help with PCI SAQ completion, guidance/recommendations for POS and Credit Card device procurement, 3rd party compliance and document reviews, and basic PCI training information.