FeedbackFruits - UNK

FeedbackFruits - UNK

FeedbackFruits LogoFeedbackFruits is a suite of robust assessment and feedback tools that can facilitate individual- or group-oriented student-to-student, student-to-content, and instructor-to-student feedback activities, as well as many other interactive assessments.





  1. FeedbackFruits Overview on Keep Teaching.

This site provides:

  • An overview of each of the tools with use cases
  • Recordings of all the webinars that were held for faculty
  • How to choose the right tool
  • How to use FeedbackFruits in Canvas
  1. FeedbackFruits User Onboarding Course

In this self-paced onboarding journey, you will explore all the tools within FeedbackFruits' Feedback & Assessment solution. You will find:

  • 🎥 A video introducing the solution as a whole
  • 🔧 Instructional videos guiding you through how to configure each of the tools
  • 📚 An instructional video on how to use FeedbackFruits within your LMS
  • 👩‍🎓 Opportunities to experience some of the tools from the student perspective
  • 📖 Further resources to deepen your knowledge and support your learning journey
  • Enroll Today!
  1. FeedbackFruits Help Center

  2. Support Email:

  3. FeedbackFruits YouTube Channel

  4. FeedbackFruits Blog: Pedagogical value

  5. The Learning Experience Lab Podcast

UNK Support

For help implementing FeedbackFruits into your courses or just to talk about what it can do, please email the Learning Design team.