Network Firewall


A network firewall is a security system that acts as a barrier between a trusted network and the internet by monitoring and controlling incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. They are designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network, while allowing legitimate communication to pass through.

Firewalls use a variety of techniques to filter and inspect network traffic, such as packet filtering. Packet filtering examines each packet of data that passes through the firewall and compares it against a set of rules to determine whether it should be allowed or blocked. By implementing these techniques, network firewalls help to protect against cyber threats such as malware, hacking attempts, and unauthorized access.

Requests can be made to permit certain applications or communication protocols between devices using the Network Firewall Rule Request. When submitted and approved by ITS Security, a custom filter can be created based on the configuration supplied in the request, allowing traffic for an application or network port to proceed through the firewall as necessary.

Request Firewall Rule


Service Offering Id: 177
Fri 8/2/24 9:44 AM
Fri 8/2/24 9:44 AM