Academic Video - YuJa - UNL

Zoom logoAcademic Video is the video streaming and capturing service provided by YuJa

Benefits & Features

Video Content

YuJa is an all-in-one video experience to securely create, manage, discover, and collaborate with video content across any device.


Faculty are encouraged to complete the Learn Yuja module on how to utilize YuJa in their courses. Topics include: recording, embedding, setting permissions, using analytics, and captioning. 

Members of the Academic Technology team are available to provide YuJa training to groups of faculty. If your department or college would like to schedule a training session, please contact Kate McCown ( 


  • All videos created within YuJa are automatically machine captioned at 90-95% accuracy

  • There are no restrictions on size of videos/files being uploaded 

  • Edit your videos within YuJa

  • Create quizzes embedded in your videos

  • Quiz results are sent to Canvas for easy evaluation

  • Easily view analytics to see who watched your video, for how long and which parts of your video received the most views

  • Other Benefits of YuJa

Getting Started


Students, faculty and staff are eligible to use this service.


YuJa is offered free of charge 


For the most efficient support experience, please submit a ticket using the request form on this page. Alternatively, contact your campus Help Center location via email, by phone, or in person.

UNL Yuja Log In


Service Offering Id: 27
Fri 12/22/23 9:29 AM
Mon 4/1/24 3:24 PM