Departmental Billing

Billing Schedule

Bill Cycle: 1st - end of month
Bill Run Date: 5-7 business days before the end of the month
Notification Sent: 4th to last business day

Q: What is my department number for the ITS bills?

A: Effective January 1, 2024, we have transitioned to a new Department Numbering Scheme, aligning with the University Cost Center/WBS Numbering Scheme. Under this approach the Department Number (Dept Nbr) is derived from the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th digits of the corresponding cost center or WBS, totaling 5 digits. This strategic move aims to assign meaningful identifiers to the Department Numbers, departing from arbitrary sequences. The adoption of this structure not only imparts significance to the Dept Nbrs but also facilitates a more coherent grouping of departmental charges.

For instance, consider the fictitious cost object 1234567890. Under the new scheme, the associated Department Number becomes 13456, signifying a more purposeful and contextual representation. This transition holds particular relevance for departmental users, streamlining their access to view invoices within the billing system. The incorporation of structured Department Numbers will enhance clarity and efficiency when users need to request access, aligning with the broader objective of optimizing our organizational processes.

Invoices issued before January 1, 2024, will retain the previous Dept Nbr and remain unchanged.

Q: How do I view my department invoices in the ITS Billing System?

A: To view your invoices, go to and login using your TrueYou credentials. In the upper right corner of the screen, click on your initials and select the Department Mgr role. Click on Billing > Department Billing, then click Search. This should bring up a list of all invoices you have access to. Click on the Billing Date to view the invoice. Then click on the View Report button.

Q: What can I do if I am having trouble viewing the ITS Billing Services invoices for my department?

A: If you have requested access for your department invoices and have viewed them in the past, most issues can be resolved by clearing browser cache or using a new private browser. If this doesn't help, please reply to the email you received informing you that your invoice is available.

Q: How do I get access to the ITS Billing Services invoices for my department?

A: Please complete the ITS Billing Services Dept User Request form. Your 5 or 6-digit Dept Nbr appears in the upper right on your monthly ITS department invoice. Please note: Effective Jan 1, 2024, the Dept Nbr is the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th digit of the cost center or wbs number. Invoices issued before January 1, 2024, will retain the previous Dept Nbr and remain unchanged. Once submitted, you will be set up as an authorized user in the billing system and granted access to your department invoices.

Q: How do I remove a user's access from the ITS Billing Services invoices for my department?

A: Please complete the ITS Billing Services Dept User Request form. To remove from All department numbers a user has access to, select Remove All (you will want to select this if someone has left the University). To remove only some of the department numbers a user has access to, select Remove Specified Dept Nbrs and enter the 5 or 6-digit Dept Nbrs to remove. Please note: Effective Jan 1, 2024, the Dept Nbr is the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th digit of the cost center or wbs number. Invoices issued before January 1, 2024, will retain the previous Dept Nbr and remain unchanged.

Q: How do I see what Dept Nbrs I have access to in the ITS Billing System?

A: To view a list of the Dept Nbrs that you have access to, log into the ITS Billing System at  In the upper right corner of the screen, click on your initials and select the Department Mgr role. Click on Billing > Department Billing, clear the Saved Search, then click on Search. This should bring up a list of all Dept Nbrs/invoices you have access to.

Q: How do I know what Dept Nbrs someone else has access to in the ITS Billing System?

A: Please contact the person you are referring to in order to obtain the Dept Nbrs that individual has access to.

Q: Why am I not allowed to request an organizational email account be used for the billing system notifications?

A: The use of shared accounts for logging into services is discouraged and university policy outlined in Executive Memorandum 16 forbids the use of shared passwords. With our inCommon infrastructure, one of our obligations is that every account needs to be traceable back to a specific individual. Using individual accounts ensures that we're in compliance with university policy and the Research & Education Federation Security Incident Response Trust Framework for Federated Identity (SIRTFI).

Q: How do I view a list of services for my department?

A: To view your services, go to and login using your TrueYou credentials. In the upper right corner of the screen, click on your initials and select the Department Mgr role. Click on Services > Services, then click Search. This should bring up a list of all services for Dept Nbrs you have access to.

Q: How do I request a cost center or wbs change?

A: Departmental requests need to be submitted via the Cost Center Change form. Submissions must be received three business days before the Bill Run Date (above) to be made for the current bill. Submissions not received in time will use an effective date of the 1st of the next month. We are not able to backdate cost center changes past the last bill run.

Q: What are my options for data storage from NU ITS?

A: The Data Storage Finder page lists all the options and should help narrow down which one is right for your use case.

Q: How can I change my current service plan?

Q: How do I cancel service?

Q: What is the cutoff date for cost center change requests?

A: The cutoff date is three business days before the bill run date. The bill run date is 5-7 business days before the end of the month depending on weekends and holidays.

Q: Why is the cutoff date for billing changes different every month?

A: This date is different each month so we can match up with the SAP monthly processing date which is normally the fourth to last business day of the month. You can check the SAP calendar for confirmation of the date.

Q: How can I view a list of calls for my department?

A: Departmental users will be able to review call detail online as part of the monthly bill for bills generated by ITS Billing Service. See 'How to Read Your Bill' for details.

Cost Center Change form Dept User Request form Print Article

Related Services / Offerings (3)

The ITS Billing System helps the University of Nebraska manage voice, data, cellular, and other campus IT expenses on a single platform while simplifying charge-back of related services.