Grouper - Provisioning Groups to Active Directory


Learn to provision Grouper groups to the various campus active directories (AD_Kearney, AD_Lincoln, AD_Nebraska, AD_Omaha).


Grouper users who manage application or organization folder trees within Grouper.

Before You Begin

You will need to have attribute "update" or "admin" permissions on the group(s) you wish to provision.


Provisioning Grouper groups to a campus active directory is now easier than ever. To do so, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Grouper and navigate to the group you wish to provision. Please note, you will need to click into the group so that you can see all the current memberships, if applicable.
  2. Once you are in the group you want to be provisioned, click Group actions in the top right. In the resulting drop-down menu, select Run template.
  3. In the Template to run field, click on the drop-down menu and select Provisioning - Provision Current Group to AD.
  4. When the template form appears, select Yes in the drop-down menu corresponding to the active directory(ies) to which you wish to provision your group. Please note, if the drop-down menu is left blank, the default value is No and your group will not be provisioned to the corresponding active directory.
  5. Once you have selected Yes on the active directory(ies) to which you want your group provisioned, click Submit.

And that's it! You've successfully provisioned a group to active directory. One final note, if you receive an error message after Step 5, this is likely due to a permissions error. In this case, please reach out to the Identity & Access Management team by submitting a ticket and one of our team members will be happy to assist you with next steps.

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Article ID: 232
Wed 4/10/24 3:42 PM
Fri 4/12/24 11:38 AM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Grouper is an access management system used to create and manage groups which control access to resources.