Generating a SharePoint Site Sharing Report


Create a report of items in a SharePoint site that have been shared with others so that you can reshare those items if necessary.

Note: This will only identify links to items that have been shared with others using the Share function and not links that have been created using the Copy Link function.


SharePoint site owners.

Before You Begin

Make sure you are an Owner of the SharePoint site.

Procedure for Generating the Sharing Report

Image of Site Setting menu

1. Click the Settings icon and choose Site Contents.

Image of Site Usage link

2. Click Site Usage.

Image of Run report link

3. Scroll down to the "Shared with external users" section and click Run report.

4. Choose a location to save your report on your SharePoint site and click Save.

5. The report will take a few minutes to be generated. You will receive an email when it is available.

Image of email

6. Click Open in the email or navigate to where you chose to save the file and open it.

Using the Generated Report

Image of generated report

1. Open the report. You will see the following columns:

  • Reource Path - Lists the path to the item that was shared.
  • Item Type - List the type of item that was shared.
  • Permission - Shows the permission level for the User/Group.
  • User Name - If an item has an entry for "Sharing Link", the users that have access or were given access to that item are listed.
  • User Email - Shows the email address of the User(s) an item was shared with.
  • User or Group Type - Lists the type of group or user the item was shared with.
  • Link Type - Lists either Organizational (shared with entire organization), Specific People (only shared with the specific people listed below the Sharing Link) or Anyone (anyone with the link can access it).

2. It is suggested to focus on the items that have a SharingLink listed. To find these items:

  • Click anywhere in Column D and press Ctrl+F on your keyboard.
  • Enter "SharingLink" and click Find Next.
  • You will be taken to the next occurrence of that text.

3. Locate an item that has a SharingLink and look for the following:

  • If the SharingLink is for Specific People (shown in yellow in the screen shot above), the name listed below show who it was shared with (in green above).
  • The users/groups shown above the SharingLink entry show who has access to the item based on their security within the site.

4. If the SharingLink is Organization, then it was shared with an entire organization so no specific people are listed.

Next Steps

1. Review the items that have previous been shared and determine if the person(s) still need access. If so, reshared the item.

Note:  If the person you are sharing the item with has not yet migrated, you may need to reshare the item with them again after they migrated since their user name will change during the migration.

Note:  If you sharing from an internal/restricted SharePoint site to a person that has not yet migrated - you will need to submit a ticket. 



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