Remote Support

Remote Support IconRemote Support empowers IT Staff to quickly and securely connect to endpoints, anywhere.

Benefits & Features

With the Remote Support Service, Information Technology staff can access endpoints on and off the University network. IT staff can resolve issues directly, rather than talking a user through often elaborate or confusing procedures on the phone or conducting an on-site visit. Additionally, IT staff can invite others to a remote session when additional insight is needed.

BeyondTrust (formerly Bomgar) is the University’s Remote Support tool. BeyondTrust includes remote control & screen sharingunattended access, file sharing, and remote mobile device camera sharing.

IT staff can use Remote Support anytime, anywhere via desktop console, browser-based console, or mobile app.

Getting Started

After contacting your IT support representative by phone, users can begin a remote support session by navigating to one of two online portals. Once at the portal select the name of your IT support representative or type in a pre-shared session key. Alternatively, a pre-installed Jump Client may be used by a support representative if you are using a University issued endpoint, prompting you to authorize a remote access request.

General Support –

The general support portal is used for everyday remote support sessions. General sessions are recorded for training and quality control purposes. Session recordings and logs will be retained for 90 days

Confidential Support –

The confidential support portal is used for remote support sessions that will involve confidential or regulated information. Confidential sessions are not recorded, only basic session activity will be logged for training and quality control purposes. Session logs will be retained for 90 days.


BeyondTrust access is limited to University employees in an IT support or administration role. BeyondTrust is not available for end-users wanting remote access to their office computers.


There is no charge for this common-good service.

Additional Information

User privacy and data security are the foundation of Remote Support at the University of Nebraska. 

Users are in full control of their support experience when connecting with a Remote Support representative. On privately issued University endpoints, local user consent is required to begin the remote session and allow an IT support representative to access and control the endpoint. At any time a user can terminate the remote session by closing the Remote Support chat window.

Before starting or accepting a Remote Support session, ITS strongly recommends that you close any open documents which contain personal, confidential or regulated data. This information will be visible to IT staff when viewing your screen remotely.

IT staff access to Remote Support is restricted and protected with Two-Factor authentication. All data transmitted during a remote session is encrypted from end-to-end. All actions performed by IT staff during a support session is logged and routinely audited.


Remote Support is available at any location with an internet connection.


For the most efficient support experience, please submit a ticket using the request form on this page. Alternatively, contact your campus Help Center location via email, by phone, or in person.

Request Access

Related Articles (3)

This article provides answers to the most commonly received questions about BeyondTrust and the Remote Support service offered by the university.
This article provides a general walkthrough for performing some common activities in BeyondTrust Remote Support.
This article gives an overview of how a BeyondTrust Remote Support session works.