Q: How do I authenticate?
A: To support roaming at other institutions, eduroam requires users to authenticate with a fully-qualified username (e.g. hhusker2@unl.edu, loperl@unk.edu, dmaverick@unomaha.edu). We highly recommend using the assisted setup tool and this can be ran off-campus.
Assisted Setup
Assisted device setup is available using the Wireless Network Configuration Utility.
Manual Setup
Q: How do I find my campus username?
A: Go to trueyou.nebraska.edu and login with your NUID, click change password link and below the change password box it will list all of your accounts. The account ID will be the username you use to authenticate to eduroam.
Q: What is the Wireless Network Configuration Utility?
A: The tool will automatically configure your device and install the certificates to securely connect to the University eduroam environment. It will automatically detect the system you are using and download the SecureW2 JoinNow application. Run the application and follow the prompts. Note that you may be asked to login multiple times to complete the setup. Please note that High Risk apple devices managed by the university cannot utilize the secureW2 tool as they cannot install new profiles.
Q: What if I was connected before and can't connect now?
A: If you were connected to eduroam previously and are having issues connecting, please forget the eduroam network and follow the setup steps listed in the Connecting to Campus WiFi article. For assistance forgetting the network follow the steps in the Forgetting eduroam article.
Q: What do I do if I've ran the network configuration utility tool on an Apple device and still can't connect?
A: If you are on iOS or macOS and have ran the network configuration tool, but still can't connect, go to system settings > privacy & security and scroll to bottom to find profiles. You will need to delete "University of Nebraska eduroam" and re-run the wireless network configuration utility tool.
If you are still running into issues, please reach out to your local IT or contact your campus help desk. Contact and location information for campus help desks is listed at the bottom of this page.