Explanation of Ticket Statuses in TeamDynamix

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The status assigned to a ticket is an indication of where it is in the process of being resolved.

Available Ticket Statuses

The available statuses are:

  • New – Ticket has been received but has not been assigned to a technician. This is the default for all newly entered tickets/requests.
    • By default, the Requestor and the assigned RESP group/person receive notifications.
  • Customer Responded/Off Hold - Automatic status assigned when a customer has responded to a ticket that was previously in an "On Hold" status (Pending - Awaiting Customer Response, Pending - Waiting for Vendor, Pending - Waiting for Parts, On Hold).
    • By default, the Responsible group/person will receive a notification when the customer responds.
  • In Process – Ticket has been assigned to a technician or group but has not been resolved. The agent is actively working with the user to diagnose and resolve the ticket.
  • Pending - Awaiting Customer Response* - Ticket requires additional information from the user before it can be resolved.
  • Pending -  Waiting for Parts* - Ticket resolution requires parts from an outside source.
  • Pending - Waiting for Vendor* - Ticket resolution requires a response or support from an outside vendor.
  • On Hold* – Resolution of the ticket is dependent on an event that will happen in the future. Note: Requires an Off Hold date. When the date is reached, the Status will change to Customer Responded / Off Hold.
  • Withdrawn – Ticket has been cancelled and no further action needs to be taken.
  • Resolved** – The technician has confirmed that the ticket is resolved, and that the client's service has been restored.
  • Closed** – The client has acknowledged that the resolution is to their satisfaction.

*Choosing any of these statuses will stop the SLA response deadlines so they are not exceeded while waiting for a response. You can enter an Off Hold date which will automatically move the ticket from Off Hold to Customer Responded / Off Hold.

** After 5 days, any ticket with a Resolved status will have the status automatically changed to Closed.

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Article ID: 73
Wed 2/14/24 9:00 PM
Fri 5/3/24 11:20 AM