Qualtrics Research Suite is a user-friendly platform designed to manage highly customized online surveys. With Qualtrics, you can easily create and distribute surveys to collect feedback, analyze the gathered information, and securely store your data.
NOTE: The service is eligible for University of Nebraska System faculty, staff, and students free of charge.
Benefits & Features
- Very easy user interface
- Question library includes thousands of existing survey questions
- Piping and branching
- Randomize on three levels
- Customization based on respondent answers to eliminate irrelevant answer choices
- Personalize to refer to the respondent by name or other embedded data
- Track respondent participation and send reminders to nonrespondents
- Save and continue allows respondents to exit and later start where they left off
- Ability to add video and graphics
- Custom reports
- Directly export to a range of files including SPSS
- Translate your questionnaire into over 20 languages
- Time response times down to the millisecond
Getting Started
To sign up for an account, click “login” button on the top right of this page that corresponds to your campus. If asked, choose to sign in using ‘my organization’s single sign-on (SSO)'. An account will be created for you after you accept their user agreement. Then you can access via that same URL and SSO thereafter.
Note: This "brand" is different from existing brands. If you already have an account elsewhere (e.g., on an existing UNL brand), and you choose to set up an account using this URL and SSO, then you will have two accounts. You will still have your existing account that you sign into via qualtrics.com using your prior email/password. However, in addition, you will have a new account on the "unlcorexmuw" brand, and it will be empty.
There is no charge for this service, which is considered a common-good service.
Use of Qualtrics is subject to compliance with policies and processes relating to human subjects research and NU Executive Memorandum 16. Use is restricted to the university's central missions of education, research and community engagement. Commercial use of Qualtrics is not allowed under our site license.