Sending emails from Qualtrics

Email Security Changes on 2/1/2024 Impacted Qualtrics Emails

  • Email service providers such as Google, Yahoo, and many other email providers implemented changes on  February 1, 2024 including:
    • Additional email authentication requirements
    • Spam prevention changes 
  • These changes primarily impacted the sending of emails by third party systems across the University System
  • To accommodate these changes and make sure Qualtrics emails are delivered to the intended mailboxes NU ITS created a Survey Email Domain for each domain (campus) that will allow Qualtrics emails to be delivered.  going forward these domains are:
  • To use the ITS Solution to have a unique From Address on Surveys follow the Steps below.

Setting a Unique From Address on Qualtrics Surveys


Use this process to update your unique from address in Qualtrics


  • Anyone who uses Qualtrics and wants to send surveys from a unique address

Before You Begin

Verify that you want/need your survey to have a unique from address and not just 


Updating the From Address in Qualtrics in Distributions

  1. Go to the Service Offering for Qualtrics.
  2. Log into your campus Qualtrics Instance.
  3. Open the Survey that you want to have a unique from address.
  4. Go to Distributions Tab at the top of the survey.
  5. Select Email as how you want to distribute your survey.
  6. Click Compose Email.
  7. A new window like the one shown in the image below will pop up to create the email.
    Photo showing what the Compose Email Popup Looks like
  8. Fill in the from address field with your
  9. Continue to use the email address you would like to receive replies.  
  10. Fill in the other fields for the email.
  11. Select the button when you want the email to send.

Updating the From Address in Qualtrics in Workflows

  1. Go to the Service Offering for Qualtrics.
  2. Log into your campus Qualtrics Instance.
  3. Open the Survey that you want to have a unique from address.
  4. Go to Workflows at the top of the survey.
  5. Choose the Workflow that has an Email Task that you want a unique from address
  6. Open the Email Task
  7. A new window like the one shown in the image below will pop up to create the email.
    Photo showing what the Compose Email Popup Looks like
  8. Fill in the from address field with your
  9. Continue to use the email address you would like to receive replies.  
  10. Fill in the other fields for the email.
  11. Select the Save button on the bottom right of the screen