Setup Duo Mobile to enable Push authentication.
- Current Students
- Former Students
- Faculty
- Staff
To enroll a new mobile device please follow the steps below.
1. Navigate to TrueYou Self Service, click 'Login' in the top right-hand corner, and enter your credentials.

2. Select 'Two-Factor Management'.

3. Select 'Manage TrueYou Two-Factor Devices'.

4. Authenticate your identity.
5. Click 'Add a Device' then 'Duo Mobile'.
*Note - Below are instructions for setting up the Duo Mobile app on your personal device.

6. Enter you personal device's phone number and information.

7. Confirm phone number and click next.
8. With your mobile phone, download and open the Duo Mobile app.

8a. Press 'Add'.
8b. Press 'Use QR Code'.
9. With Duo Mobile open, scan the QR code with your mobile device. *Note - you may need to grant access to your devices camera.

9a. Optionally, if you cannot scan the QR code, select 'Get an activation link instead'.
9b. Enter your email address and select 'Send Email'.
*Note - Check your inbox for an email from Duo Security <no-reply@duosecurity.com>.

9c. Using your mobile device, click the provided link which should prompt you to open Duo Mobile.
10. Once successful, you should see a new entry named TrueYou in the Duo mobile app.
11. For verification, use your web browser's private or incognito option and attempt a login to a SSO protected service such as Canvas or Firefly.