Computer and Printing Support

Services related to Computer, Device, and Printing Support as well as the ITS Help Centers

Services (9)

Future Ready Cloud Collaboration

Transformative project to streamline and modernize digital collaboration across our campuses. Information Technology Services, in partnership with Microsoft, will unify Microsoft 365 for our Kearney, Lincoln and Omaha campuses and the Office of the President.

ITS Help Centers

The ITS Client Services team has dedicated staff available in Help Centers on all three campuses to assist faculty, staff, and students with various IT services.

Technology Support

Desktop Support is an area whose primary role is the direct support of end users with their hardware and software needs. Our mission is to provide professional and respectable support of hardware and software needs of Students/Faculty/Staff on each campus.

Computer Repair - UNL

UNL Huskertech offers an in-house repair center that is certified for Apple, Dell, HP, and Lenovo devices.

Equipment Checkout

The University of Nebraska offers a variety of equipment to be checked out for currently enrolled students.

Huskertech Sales - UNL

UNL Huskertech offers UNL faculty, staff, and students discounted prices on products including Apple, PC, software, accessories, and more. We also offer cellular service with exclusive plans and discounted phone prices. Our product is priced at educational discounts, our location is convenient, and our staff is here to help.

Personal Hardware and Software

Software and Hardware quick links for learning, teaching and research purposes.

Student Printing - Wepa

Utilizing Wepanow technology this is a campus-wide public printing solution with physical print locations in many public areas.

Virtual Desktop Hosting

Virtual desktop hosting on Azure Virtual Desktop. Single or group desktop environments are available. The hosting team provides the hosting platform and environment and the Desktop team supports the desktop operating system.